Blue-headed Vireo.

Gadwall 100
Mottled Duck 4
Blue-winged Teal 15
Northern Shoveler 100
Northern Pintail 4
Green-winged Teal 2
Green-winged Teal (American) 3
Ring-necked Duck 7
Ruddy Duck 3
Plain Chachalaca 2
Least Grebe 12
Pied-billed Grebe 5
Neotropic Cormorant 5
Great Egret 9
Snowy Egret 1
Tricolored Heron 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron 3
Turkey Vulture 3
Harris's Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Common Moorhen 12
American Coot 100
Black-necked Stilt 3
Mourning Dove 1
White-tipped Dove 2
Green Kingfisher 1
Golden-fronted Woodpecker 3
Ladder-backed Woodpecker 9
Eastern Phoebe 4
Vermilion Flycatcher 2
Great Kiskadee 13
White-eyed Vireo 3
Blue-headed Vireo 1
Green Jay 10
Tree Swallow 4
Cave Swallow 2
Black-crested Titmouse 1
Carolina Wren 3
House Wren 4
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 14
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 10
Clay-colored Thrush 1
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 2
Orange-crowned Warbler 10
Yellow-rumped Warbler 15
Black-and-white Warbler 1
Common Yellowthroat 7
Wilson's Warbler 1
Olive Sparrow 4
Lincoln's Sparrow 1
Northern Cardinal 4
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Altamira Oriole 1
House Sparrow 1
On the way home I passed a recently mowed field with a dozen young White-tailed Hawks looking for mouse corpses.

Not to sound creepy or anything, but I find myself following your journeys both on this blog and on Texbirds more and more often. As a student at Texas Tech it entertains me during long days at school to follow what birds you are seeing and where. It helps me make it to the weekend when I can finally get out and bird. Keep the good stuff coming.
Gee, thanks. As long as you're not literally following me!
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