Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Quinta Mazatlan, 12/29/20

There's been a Blue Bunting and two Crimson-collared Grosbeaks hanging around Quinta Mazatlan in McAllen the past few days.  I made a run over there this afternoon to try my luck but came up empty on these two Mexican strays.  But this has been the Fall of the western invaders and I did well today in that regard.  The Pacific-slope Flycatcher was particularly cooperative.

One of my targets today was a Black-headed Grosbeak that was hanging out around the feeding station.  I also saw it's eastern counterpart, a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

This Western Tanager was a nice surprise.  We get a few each winter.

There's been some debate about this Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  The red bleeds into the black around the throat like on a western Red-naped Sabsucker but it show no sign of red on the nape.  Could be a hybrid.

We had some vigorous discussion about this Empidonx.  We were trying to turn it into a Hammond's Flycatcher but the short bill and primary extensions and big eye ring point to the more expected Least Flycatcher.

There have been a lot of Clay-colored Thrushes ahnging out at Quinta Mazatlan.  A few weeks ago they set up the mist nets and banded 28 of them.  Holy cow!  And that was thought to have been about half of them.  But the anacua berries are about gone and I saw just a few today.

I will have to return to get the Crimson-collared Grosbeak and Blue Bunting on the new year list.

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