Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Resaca de la Palma, 2/13/24

Today I decided to make a try for the Cassin's Vireo at Resaca de la Palma State Park near Brownsville.  Even though I still need that species for my Cameron County list, I have not made much effort during my past few visits.  It's always a chore trying to distinguish between Cassin's Vireo and pale Blue-headed Vireo.  In west Texas during migration I feel pretty good about calling Cassin's Vireo but down here I've seen way too many pale Blue-headed Vireos to feel comfortable about making the call.  I wish they would just lump 'em all back into Solitary Vireo.  Anyway the only "Solitary" Vireo I saw today was a dark headed Blue-headed so I didn't have to worry.

Meanwhile, the Roadside Hawk has been present since November.

Both the Gray-headed and Rose-throated Becards also continue but I only saw the female Rose-throated Becard today.

I hung around the feeding station for a while hoping for the Tropical Parula but I had to settle for the wintering Northern Parula.

Here's a Black-and-white Warbler.

I counted twenty Green Jays at the feeding station.

Do not hate me because I am beautiful.

Supposed to rain in a couple of days.  I hope we get dumped on cuz we need it.

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