Wilson's Warbler.

Black-throated Green Warbler

Orange-crowned Warbler and Wilson's Warbler having a few words.

Nashville Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Mr. Northern Cardinal

There were four Clay-colored Thrushes. Here's one of 'em.

My day started on "Sparrow Road", Hwy 2221, north of La Joya where I went looking for sparrows and desert birds. Not a whole lot going on but this Sage Thrasher was nice. It's been a long day!

Northern Bobwhite 15
Black Vulture 3
Turkey Vulture 5
Northern Harrier 1
Cooper's Hawk 1
Harris's Hawk 2
Crested Caracara 8
American Kestrel 2
Killdeer 3
Mourning Dove 30
Common Ground-Dove 15
Greater Roadrunner 1
Golden-fronted Woodpecker 2
Ladder-backed Woodpecker 2
Eastern Phoebe 2
Great Kiskadee 2
Loggerhead Shrike 3
White-eyed Vireo 4
Verdin 2
Cactus Wren 2
House Wren 10
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 5
American Robin 1
Northern Mockingbird 20
Sage Thrasher 1
Curve-billed Thrasher 2
Orange-crowned Warbler 6
Cassin's Sparrow 1
Vesper Sparrow 5
Black-throated Sparrow 5
Savannah Sparrow 80
Grasshopper Sparrow 3
Lincoln's Sparrow 30
White-crowned Sparrow 10
Northern Cardinal 5
Pyrrhuloxia 20
Red-winged Blackbird 100
Western Meadowlark 40
Great-tailed Grackle 20
House Sparrow 100
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