This winter is shaping up to be another good one for vagrants here in the Rio Grande Valley. It remains to be seen if it can match the amazing winter of 2004-5. But it's off to a good start with female Crimson-collared Grosbeak and female Blue Bunting at Frontera. Rose-throated Becards have been found at Frontera(earlier in the fall), Llano Grande, Santa Ana and Salineno. Sabal Palm Sanctuary in Brownsville has a Dusky-capped Flycathcer of the bright eastern Mexico race (lawerenci). And last weekend five Masked Ducks were found east of La Sal Vieja on the CBC.
Today I went for the Masked Ducks and found them easily. Here's a couple of digiscoped shots. I only saw four of the five.

Having scored and it was only 8:15 and with a norther due to hit at 10AM, I raced back to Frontera to look for the Crimson-collared Grosbeak and Blue Bunting. I struck out on the bunting but got a brief look at the grosbeak after the front hit, dropping the temperature abour 20 degrees in a few minutes. This was all I could muster.

This wintering male Rose-breasted Gosbeak was more cooperative.
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