This male Northern Parula has been seen several times over the last couple of weeks.

Bentsen is one of the best places in the Valley for Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet.

Ten or more years ago there was a smudgy faced yellowish oriole at Bentsen that was assumed to be a hybrid of Altimira and Audubon's Oriole. It was lovingly referred to as "Smudge". Since then there has alway been a smudgy oriole around except now they're oranger than the oringinal. This is "Son of Son of Smudge" (at least).

I need to start myself a butterfly list. I saw two new ones this morning. This is my first (north of Mexico) Pavon Emperor.

I don't really care to look at grass skippers too much as they hardly qualify as butterflies. But some of the spread-wing skippers are pretty cool. This is my first White-patched Skipper.

Mottled Duck 2
Blue-winged Teal 4
Ring-necked Duck 2
Plain Chachalaca 20
Pied-billed Grebe 2
Neotropic Cormorant 2
Anhinga 3
Black Vulture 5
Turkey Vulture 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 1
Common Moorhen 4
American Coot 150
White-winged Dove 1
Inca Dove 4
White-tipped Dove 5
Buff-bellied Hummingbird 1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Ruby-throated/Black-chinned Hummingbird 1
Allen's Hummingbird 1
Golden-fronted Woodpecker 10
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Ladder-backed Woodpecker 8
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet 4
Vermilion Flycatcher 1
Great Kiskadee 10
White-eyed Vireo 1
Blue-headed Vireo 2
Green Jay 20
Black-crested Titmouse 1
House Wren 8
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 6
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 25
Northern Mockingbird 1
Long-billed Thrasher 1
Orange-crowned Warbler 12
Northern Parula 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 2
Black-and-white Warbler 2
Olive Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 2
Great-tailed Grackle 15
Altamira Oriole 1
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