Got some other good year birds. Like the Rock Wren still present at Anzalduas.

Also at Anzalduas I ticked the Black Phoebe and Geen Kingfisher.

I missed the Hooded Merganser for the third time. A Black-throated Gray Warbler was nice but I didn't try to get a pic. American Pipits are always photogenic at Anzalduas.

Wow! Great tiger heron photos -- glad your patience finally paid off! I have to enjoy it from afar....
The legs of the pipit seem a bit pale, could be an effect of the light though.
Have you checked for the Siberian form of Buff-bellied?
And yeah, what David said: neat pics of an awesome bird.
It is very interesting for me to read that blog. Thanks the author for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Best wishes
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