One of the specialty birds of the Guadalupe Mountains is the Mountain Chickadee. Usually you have to hike up to the Bowl to see them but they are a little lower this winter.

Turdids (thrush family) were abundant feeding on juniper berries and Texas Madron. Here's a Western Bluebird. I saw lots of Mountain Bluebirds but they wouldn't pose for the camera.

I don't get to see Townsend's Solitaire very often so it was a treat to see a few.

Hermit Thrush is also a common berry eater.

The Guadalupe Mountains are the only place in Texas where you can find the Juniper Titmouse.

Seed eaters were also well represented by Spotted and Canyon Towhees.

There were also sparrows like Rufous-crowned and Oregon Junco.

I didn't see many raptors but I did get one Ferruginous Hawk on Hwy 54.

Fantastic collection, of birds and photos!
Awesome! I love Guadalupe Mtns, I will have to run out there next weekend before college makes it impossible.
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