A Roadside Hawk was photographed last Sunday at Frontera Audubon Thicket in Weslaco. Since then there has been plenty of misidentified Cooper's Hawks and I've spent a lot of time in the thicket to no avail. Two nights ago Bryan Zvolanek from Estero Llana Grande State Park found it again in the orange grove in the late afternoon. Last night we held vigil at the orange grove but nothing was seen. So tonight I decide to make another try and spent an hour in the thicket after closing time and saw nothing but a few warblers including a great male Black-throated Gray. After I left the thicket and locked the gate I thought would would make one last circuit of the grove. That's when I flushed a small hawk that flew up into a tree on the otherside of the bush where I was standing. One quick look through the glasses and I knew this was the bird. I managed to manually focus and shoot a few pics through the bush. A Roadside Hawk! County bird #349.

When I tried to step aside for a better shot he flushed into the thicket where he is most likely roosting at night.

Of course there's other good birds in the thicket like this Tropical Parula.

And Mr. Ovenbird likes to strut around in front of the feeder watchers.
You all have been having quite the winter down there! Wow!
Glad I found your blog. It looks like a great place to gather information for my south TX trip - whenever I finally get that chance!
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