It was a nice warm day after the cold spell of last week so I ran over to the National Butterfly Center to see what was flying. Well, there wasn't much. Freezing temperatures for about ten hours with lows in the mid twenties pretty much wiped out the butterflies. I saw four species. So I switched to birds. With the insects all gone and the continuing drought, the feeding station was a popular place. Even the Audubon's Oriole has become a seedeater.
Altimira Orioles were stealing banana brew put out for butterflies.
And the hybrid offspring of the two above species was enjoying seeds.
Green Jays were being their usual photogenic selves. I think the photo editor brough a little too much yellow. They almost look like Inca Jays!
A White-tipped Dove hid in the shadows.
Olive Sparrows are attracted to the seed.
A Black-and White Warbler just wanted to bathe.
I see this Wilson's Warbler everytime I visit.
Long-billed Thrashrs were at the butterfly bait logs.
The chickens, AKA Plain Chachalacas always swarm at feeding time.
And for the past few weeks a flock of six Wild Turkeys daily storm in to break up the party. Dought conditions have forced them to leave the brush country to find food.
I have never seen so many American Goldfinches in the RGV. A flock of about forty flew into the little water feature joined by six Lesser Goldfinches.
A Sharp-shinned Hawk would chase the goldfinch flock around. At one time it landed over my head in a tepeguaje and gave me the evil eye..
Well that was enough for me. This Great Kiskadee told me to not let the door hit me in the ass on the way out.