The Sal del Rey post on TEXBIRDS yesterday got me out of bed early as there were several outstanding Hidalgo County birds listed (Clapper Rail, Reddish Egret, Wilson's Plover, and 30 Semipalmated Plovers!). I arrived at 7 AM at the southeast trailhead on Brushline Rd. and hiked to the lake, along the south shore and at least half a mile up the main intake channel to the west. I was unable to find any of these but still had a nice morning. Best for me was three Summer Tanagers. Do they nest in Hidalgo County? Also saw three Turkeys, five Nilgai, two White-tailed Deer and two Coyotes. There's always lot of action at Sal del Rey.

After Sal del Rey I drove south on Brushline and found five Ruddy Ducks on a lily covered pond. They were there back in May. I bet they nested. The muddy playa behind the feedlot east of Hargil was covered with birds. There were Caspian, Gull-billed and Forster's Terns and lots of shorebirds. Best were two Wilson's Plovers (new county bird for me). Looks like the kind of place they could nest. South of Monte Alto was a large flooded field that looks like it will be great for shorebirds in a few days if it stops raining.
Here's some baby Black-bellied Whistling Ducks from Brushline Road.
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