Sunday, October 3, 2010

Salineno, 10/2/10

Birding was very slow at Salineno today. Got two Gray Hawks, Audubon's Oriole, Black Phoebe and a Black-and-white Warbler but nothing noteworthy. They're releasing lots of water from Falcon Dam so the river was up nearly to the trail. But odes were another story. Straw-colored Sylphs were all along the river and easy to study.

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I saw a number of Variegated Meadowhawks last summer in west Texas but this was my first for the RGV.

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Gomphids seen were Flag-tailed Spinyleg, Broad-striped Forceptail and this Eastern Ringtail.

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There were at least half a dozen Needham's Skimmers. I didn't see any my last two visits here.

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Anax junius, Common Green Darner
Aphylla angustifolia, Broadstriped Forceptail
Argia moesta, Powdered Dancer
Argia sedula, Blue-ringed Dancer
Brachymesia furcata, Red-tailed Pennant
Brachymesia gravida, Four-spotted Pennant
Dromogomphus spoliaatus, Flag-tailed Spinyleg
Dythemis fugax, Checkered Setwing
Dythemis nigrescens, Black Setwing
Erpetogomphus designatus, Eastern Ringtail
Erythemis simplicicollis, Common Pondhawk
Hetaerina titia, Smokey Rubyspot
Ischnura ramburii, Rambur's Forktail
Libellula needhami, Needham's Skimmer
Macrothemis inacuta, Straw-colored Sylph
Orthemis ferruginea, Roseate Skimmer
Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher
Pantala flavescens, Wandering Glider
Sympetrum corruptum, Variegated Meadowhawk
Tramea lacerata, Black Saddlebags
Tramea onusta, Red Saddlebags

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