Friday, May 23, 2014

Hudsonian Godwits at Estero Llano Grande State Park, 5/23/14

A pair of Hudsonian Godwits have been present for the past few days at Estero Llano Grande State Park in Weslaco.  So I ran over there this evening to try to get a few photos.  The light wasn't great but the birds cooperated for some pretty good pictures.  Here's the female.

The bright rusty male seemed to be agitated by the Black-necked Stilts.

He flew a few laps around Ibis Pond showing off his white rump, black tail and black underwings.

Other shorebirds included White-rumped Sandpiper.

Yellow legs and heavily marked breast say Pectoral Sandpiper.

Here's a Stilt Sandpiper in alternate plumage.

A couple of pied White Ibises in sub-adult plumage.

Wilson's Phalaropes seem to like to feed in groups.

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