Thursday, January 19, 2017

Progreso Lakes, 1/17/17

Put in several hours today working on the yard list for our new house at Progreso Lakes.  Actually I don't know if you can count sitting by the resaca as working but it was pretty productive.  Best bird was a surprise Franklin's Gull.  I thought I might get a migrating flock in the spring but not a lonely fly by in January.

Otherwise ducks were the order of the day with ten species.  Mary G. stopped by with a couple of birding clients and they were happy to twitch a lifer, Fulvous Whistling-Duck.

A male Redhead was new for the year list.

The American Wigeons were still hanging around.

A flash of orange flying across the water signaled another new species for the yard.  But all I could get was this poor photo of the Altamira Oriole.  I'm sure I'll get other chances to photograph one.

Otherwise it saw the same old gang.  I don't get tired of the Ringed Kingfisher.

Osprey on the prowl.

Spotted Sandpiper bobbing on a rock.

And golden-slippered Snowy Egret flapping past.

The yard list is up to 108.

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