Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Black-whiskered Vireo at South Padre Island, 5/23/18

I was working in the yard yesterday, covered with dirt and sweat, when word came of a Black-whiskered Vireo at the Convention Center on South Padre Island.  This Caribbean species is common along the coast of south Florida during the summer and we occasionally get a lost bird in Texas, usually on the north east Gulf coast.  Had I not seen one previously on the Island, I would have gone running.  But I decided to put if off till this morning and luckily the bird was still there.  I almost got there too early and had a little trouble getting the bird in good light.

This Western Tanager was a nice bonus.

I ran out onto the flats north of the Convention Center and got lucky again with this Magnificent Frigatebird.

It's great living in the Valley!

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