Monday, August 6, 2018

Progreso Lakes Hummingbirds, 8/3/17

A weak cold front faded out just to the north of us but a little cooler air seemed to drift down to us in the Rio Grande Valley.  I stepped outside to enjoy the morning and I was shocked to have a male Rufous Hummingbird buzz right up to my face.  This was the best photo I got.

Well, that was neat.  And then I saw this one in the bottlebrush.  Holy smokes!  Another Selasphorus which by the spread tail shot seems to be an adult female Rufous Hummingbird.

I'm not used to seeing Rufous Hummingbirds in summer though they start moving south in July in west Texas.  Well some more looking around the yard turned up a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
These guys are headed south too.

There were several basic female/juvenile plumaged Archilochus hummers.  I think this is a juvie female Black-chinned based on the pale feather edges on the dull crown and the shape of the primaries.

And we had at least three Buff-bellied Hummingbirds.

I'm going to do my best to keep the feeders full and hope for something else.

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