Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Progreso Lakes, 3/16/21

It's been a great winter for rare birds in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas but here at Progreso Lakes it's been OK but not fantastic.  I keep waiting for a Blue Bunting or a Crimson-collared Grosbeak but nada so far.  Our best bird this month has been the wintering White-throated Sparrow which has been here since 1/7.

A new bird feeder stocked with black oil sunflower seeds and niger has finally attracted a few American Goldfinches.  This one is getting colored up for summer.  Meanwhile I'm waiting for a Pine Siskin.

It's been a good winter for Cedar Waxwings.

I got poor shots of a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  We didn't get one last year.

The month got off to a good start with this Merlin in the plowed cotton field out front.

Hooded Orioles add a spash of color to the yard.  Haven't seen any Altamiras since the freeze.

Finally a flock of twenty Longbilled Dowitchers passed by this morning raising our 2021 total to 127.

We've already had five species this year that we didn't get last year so maybe a run at last year's total of 205 is possible.  I don't know what to expect with all the damage from the freeze.  Maybe there will be fewer birds or maybe there will be lots of hungry ones.

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