Monday, September 13, 2021

More Fall Warblers at Progreso Lakes, 9/13/21

Tropical storm Nicholas has been churning along the south Texas coast today, bringing us some rain and northerly wind.  The upshot is more fall warblers are being seen here in our Progreso Lakes yard.  This morning I was pleased to find this Blackburnian Warbler which is very uncommon in the Valley during fall migration.  I missed seeing one in the spring so it was 2021 yard bird #197.

Yesterday I got poor shots of an equally uncommon Chestnut-sided Warbler.  It popped in again this morning in response to my whistled pygmy owl call and was much more cooperative.

And the day before that I managed to call an American Redstart out of the neighbor's yard.

Last week another Yellow-throated Warbler stopped by.

And we also had a Canada Warbler which is pretty regular in fall.

As is Nashville Warbler.

We have Yellow Warbler daily in fall.

In my last post I mentioned our Mourning Warbler so that brings our  total for September to eight species or warblers with lots of migration still to come.

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