Friday, April 12, 2024

Flame-colored Tanager, Black-capped Vireo at Quinta Mazatlan, 4/12/24

The Valley's four young guns, Ryan Rodriguez, Nolan Walker, Simon Kiacz and Zach Johnson have been leaving a path of destruction in their wake in recent months.  This morning Ryan found Hidalgo County's third Flame-colored Tanager.  This Mexican montain species is still a review species in Texas but now is annual in SE Arizona where it has nested.  I was happy to refind it for the small group of birders who had assembled.  It was my 415th species for Hidalgo County.

Nolan, who found the Mexican Violetear on SPI a few days ago, had been looking for the Flame-colored Tanager when I arrived and scored a Black-capped Vireo in the process.  Once federally listed as endangered,  Black-capped Vireos have rebounded after successful cowbird predation control programs and a decline in the number of goats being raised in the Hill Country.  Goats tend to eat everything including the brushy thickets Black-capped Vireo prefer for nesting.  This is only the second I've seen in the county.  These poor phots are still better than the ones I got of the Frontera bird many years ago.

I love the serendipity of birding!

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