I'll skip to the good part. At 11:40 I got my scope out at the Hargill Playa on 1st and Lincoln. Lots of water and shorebirds. I was happy to find my first county Baird's Sandpipers for the year. Then I saw a Snowy Plover which is pretty good. And then I was surprised to find a Wilson's Plover still present. Except it looked weird. The bill seemed too narrow, not a typical fat Wilson's bill. And it had a big gleaming white forehead with a black band going across the head from eye to eye. And it looked too small headed for Wilson's Plover. I considered other possibilities. Bill too long for a Semipalm. It wasn't a Snowy or Piping. What's left? I knew the only other alternative but dared not get too excited. I managed to get some not too great photos and the bird still just looked wrong for Wilson's. Then I got distracted by a white morph Reddish Egret which is a great county bird in its own right. At this point I decided I needed to head for home and check my photos with photos online. And I was right. My little plover is the second record of Collared Plover for the ABA area. The only other record of this neotropical shorebird was one seen in Uvalde Texas in May of 1992. I've seen a few in Mexico and farther south but I didn't remember the black lores being a field mark. Collared Plover is a bird I've hoped to encounter for years and I finally found one!
A run up FM 1015 to the pond on the west side of Delta Lake produced my first county Wood Storks and Least Bittern for the year.
My next stop was Hargill and, wow, did it ever produce! Snowy Egret 1 Tricolored Heron 2 Reddish Egret 1 Black-necked Stilt 33 Collared Plover 1 Snowy Plover 1 Killdeer 1 Lesser Yellowlegs 1 Stilt Sandpiper 10 Baird's Sandpiper 4 Least Sandpiper 20 Semipalmated Sandpiper 3 peep sp. 30 Laughing Gull 22 Gull-billed Tern 2 Caspian Tern 2 Western Kingbird 1 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 8 Horned Lark 1 Verdin 1 Northern Mockingbird 2 Dickcissel 1 Red-winged Blackbird X Great-tailed Grackle X
So I headed for home but just couldn't resist a run into Delta Lake County park where 65 Wood Storks were on the pond near the entrance.
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