Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Collared Plover is a hit! 8/3/14

I actually didn't spend that much time observing the Collared Plover when I found it.  I was in a state of denial and still trying to convince myself that it was a Wilson's Plover even though it looked like a Collared Plover.  And after racing home to make sure on my ID and then get the word out (Sorry I don't have a smart phone.  I seem to do OK without one.) I realized I was too tired and hot to go back out and enjoy it some more.  So I made a run out the next morning.  Cars were lined up along Lincoln but it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be.

Here comes a happy Sue and Tad.  They made the long ride down from Lake Jackson where they work for the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory.

Lined up for a view of ABA's second Collared Plover.

I didn't spend much time trying to get photos.  I spent more time visiting with birders I don't get to see very often and watching the little Collared Plover raising hell as it battled with Snowy and Wilson's Plovers.  So here's a token poor photo.

Like I said not that many birders out to see it but word is more have been out the past two days.and if this bird decides to stay a while, it could turn out to be viewed by hundreds.  I guess I'll get up there again in the next few days and checkout the circus.


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