Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Blackpoll x Bay-breasted Warbler hybrid? at Progreso Lakes, 5/5/20

This Cinco de Mayo morning I found absolutely no migrants in our Progreso Lakes yard.  So I swept out the barn and changed the oil on our Forester.  After lunch I decided to sit on the porch and watch the bird bath.  Migrants tired of flying in the heat, started dropping into our little oasis for a drink and some lunch.  Most interesting was this female that is either a very plain Bay-breasted Warbler or a Blackpoll x Baybreasted Warbler hybrid.  When it landed in the coral bean not far from where I was sitting I thought it was a female Blackpoll, which would be new for our yard.  But upon further review it seems to have a very faint "bay" wash on some of the neck and breast feathers.

It's probably just a Bay-breasted Warbler but take a look at this one found by some banders in Pennsylvania.

This Canada Warbler zoomed over my head and landed nearby in the big rubber Ficus.

Then he hit the showers.  Notice the Wilson's Warbler waiting its turn.

Then we got our first Mourning Warbler for the year.  I think it's a young male.

A silhouette in one of our big ashes turned out to be our first Least Flycatcher for the year.

I was trying to get a better shot of the Least when I found this Blackburnian Warbler.

And then our first of the year Philadelphia Vireo landed in the potato tree.

So four new year birds puts our Progreso Lakes 2020 yard list at 180.  With a little luck we have a shot at 200 this year.

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