Wednesday, November 11, 2020

200 in 2020 at Progreso Lakes, 11/11/20

I will start this post just like the last one.  I stepped out of the back porch first thing this morning.......and a flock of Lesser Scaup swam into view.  And then I saw a Gadwall with them.  So I stepped into the house and grabbed my camera to document it and then I saw two American Wigeons.  Pretty nice start to the day.  Later I entered the birds into eBird and discovered that they were both new for my Progreso Lakes 2020 yard list.  And that brings our species total for 2020 to an even 200.  I never thought it would be possible to see that many species from our yard in a year.  It's probably a combination of spending more time in the yard because of the pandemic and that my habitat improvements are starting to pay off.

Later in the afternoon I looked out my bedroom window just before my afternoon nap and spied this Chipping Sparrow working on some seeds I had thrown out.  It's such a weird fall.  Temperatures feel like summer but winter migrants are showing up.

So our Progreso Lakes yard totals for the first four years look like this. 

2017 - 188, 2018 - 180, 2019 - 193, 2020 - 200

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